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Backup and Recovery Services
Professional Services
Business Continuity Survey
Systems Recovery Planning
Project Assistance/Management
UPS Audits
Network Vulnerability Assessment
Recovery & Insurance Claims Kit


This service identifies the potential vulnerabilities and threats to your business information systems that might be caused in the event of a power failure, surge or brown out. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) is a battery device that most commonly sits beside a computer or server and provides emergency power in the event of a power disruption.

When a disruption occurs the UPS provides enough power to enable the orderly shut down of the computing system. If a system is not powered down correctly there is potential risk of data corruption.

To identify critical systems and their associated functions necessary to the business operations and ensure that adequate emergency power is available. Each server and all critical systems must have enough power to properly sustain the hardware for a defined minimum time.

During this engagement, our consultants will perform an Uninterruptible Power Supply Assessment to identify critical systems and ensure they are adequately protected. For existing UPS systems a complete evaluation will be performed to ensure that systems currently in place provide sufficient run time in case of a power failure.

Our services include:

  • Obtaining knowledge of your business, general systems information and areas deemed critical to continuing operations.
  • An Uninterruptible Power Supply Assessment to determine UPS requirements and validate those systems currently in place.
  • Maintenance policy assessment to confirm battery quality and routine testing practices.
  • A report outlining critical systems and validation that they are adequately protected.
  • Should the assessment indicate a new purchase, upgrade, or service related issue, Global Data Vaulting can create and manage a Request for Proposal (RFP) engagement.

Business Results
At the end of this engagement, you will have an objective, independent, expert analysis of your current or required UPS needs to adequately protect your business information systems. In the event of a power interruption, surge or brown-out; systems protected by properly maintained UPS systems will provide enough power to enable the orderly shut down of the computing system.

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