This service identifies and secures key documents and critical items required
to assist management during a recovery in the event of an unexpected business
interruption. The Recovery and Insurance Claims kit contains critical
business records, key documentation, policies and procedures and system
software all secured in an aluminum case, located offsite and readily
To identify and manage on behalf of the client those critical documents
considered essential to their business recovery. Once the initial kit
has been developed and documented it is continuously updated as information
changes in order to minimize business impact and limit potential business
interruption. Should an unexpected business interruption occur key personnel
can access the Recovery and Insurance Claims Kit from Global Data Vaultings
secure site and use the information to begin the recovery process.
To develop the Insurance and Recovery Kit, our consultants will review,
collect and document information essential to a recovery. Essential information
required for a smooth recovery might include insurance policies, client,
vendor and employee information, system software, key codes, and photographs.
The kit should be considered your company's first step in the development
of a disaster recovery plan.
Our services include:
- Obtaining knowledge of your business, general systems information
and areasdeemed critical to continuing operations.
- Collect and document essential information required to provide key
people with the information required to make critical business decisions
during a disruptive event.
- Organize and assemble all documentation and items and then secure
them in a metal case stored in a secure offsite location.
- Provide ongoing support with scheduled reviews and updates of the
Recovery and Insurance Claims Kit to ensure that all information is
current and still meets all the client's recovery requirements.
Business Results
The key to any successful business recovery is current accessible information
securely stored and management's ability to quickly obtain and use it.
By having all key information readily accessible, clients will have the
ability to respond faster and therefore reduce the time necessary to recover
us to find out more…

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