Backup and Recovery Services
Secure Managed
Long Term
Regulatory Compliance Issues
Client Compatibility
IBM Continuous Data Protection


With Canada’s “Personal Information Protection and Electronic
Documents Act” (PIPEDA) now law, it is up to your organization to
adhere to the standards set out in this Act. If your organization, large
or small, stores private information about your employees or clients,
you are required to comply with these regulations.
Global Data Vaulting’s Secure Managed Backup with Long Term Archiving
Service can help your organization to ensure their data is reliably accessible,
recoverable, secure and compliant with Canada’s Privacy Act.
Global Data Vaulting’s Secure Managed Backup Service is an online
backup and recovery solution that provides specific data protection and
secure access capabilities required to achieve compliance under PIPEDA,
- Private data is encrypted before being transported to the server
and cannot be accessed without the encryption key
- The encrypted data is transported via a Virtual Private Network (VPN)
tunnel, further protecting any sensitive data that may be sent to the
backup server
- The backup server is offsite in a secure facility and away from the
primary systems
- Automated backup and recovery processes eliminate the manual handling
and storage of removable media (tapes, CDs, DVDs) by personnel ensuring
privacy compliance
Contact us to find out more…

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