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Backup and Recovery Services
Secure Managed Backup
Long Term Archiving
Regulatory Compliance Issues
Client Compatibility
IBM Continuous Data Protection
Professional Services


For long-term storage of critical data, Global Data Vaulting provides an Online Archiving solution that allows you to keep your data safe for as long as you need access to it.

To provide our clients with a cost effective solution for long-term storage of critical data for historical or regulatory compliance purposes

The archived data is stored in a storage array using leading edge tape technology that facilitates a cost effective means of long-term storage.
A customized “policy” is created that specifies what files are archived and for how long they will be archived. The policy can as granular or general as needed and can include multiple retention periods.
Your data can be easily retrieved whenever required.

Business Results
Your historical data will be ‘locked away’ until needed again. As the data is saved in it’s original format, unaltered, it can be used for your regulatory or compliance requirements.

 Contact us to find out more…

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